Welcoming Laura!
Grace’s Table is welcoming Laura Helman onto the team! She is our new Family Advocate, and in this position, she will welcome new moms and facilitate the Educate and Empower school outreach groups within Union High School and Covenant House Academy. She is most excited about the joy of making connections between moms and creating a community. Laura will also introduce young mothers to Grace’s Table and share information to help them become plugged in.
Laura grew up outside Philly and attended Messiah College in Central Pennsylvania. She graduated with a bachelor's in human development & Family Sciences in 2008 and then graduated from Liberty University with her master's in human services specializing in marriage and family therapy in 2012. She worked as a social worker remotely before she and her husband moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. She heard about Grace’s Table through Crossroads Bible Church.
Laura’s favorite way to spend the day out of the office is to meet up with a few friends, grab a coffee, and take a long walk with Surrey, her dog. She also really enjoys having a game night with friends. We are very excited to have her join our table!
What superpower would you like to have?
The ability to creat unlimited fun activities, with the supplies and everything, at the snap of a finger!